The Story Behind Every Custom Product: Why We Start with a Mockup

The Story Behind Every Custom Product: Why We Start with a Mockup

The Story Behind Every Custom Product: Why We Start with a Mockup

Every custom product we create at Ethiimo has a story behind it. Whether it’s a photo of a cherished moment, a message of love, or a meaningful design, each piece holds a special significance. But have you ever wondered what happens before we start engraving or printing? Let me take you behind the scenes and share the story of how your product comes to life.

The Call from Sarah

One day, we received an order from a customer named Sarah. She wanted a laser-engraved photo on a piece of wood as a gift for her parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. The photo she uploaded was a beautiful black-and-white image of her parents on their wedding day, and Sarah had a vision for how she wanted it to look on a natural wooden plaque.

However, Sarah was nervous. “I want it to be perfect,” she said. “This is such a special moment for my parents, and I don’t want to make a mistake.”

Her concern wasn’t unusual. Many of our customers feel the same way. After all, when you’re customizing a product, there’s no room for error. This is exactly why we create a mockup before we even start the engraving or printing process.

Designing the Mockup: Bringing the Vision to Life

As soon as Sarah placed her order, our design team got to work. The first step was creating a mockup of the product. A mockup is a digital version of how the final product will look, showing the design as it would appear once engraved on the wood.

For Sarah’s piece, we took the time to carefully edit the wedding photo, making sure to capture the delicate details—the way her parents were holding hands, the subtle glow in their smiles, the folds of her mother’s wedding dress. These were the moments that mattered, and we wanted to ensure every detail would translate beautifully onto the wood.

After the initial design, we sent the mockup to Sarah for her approval. It’s a moment where our customers have the chance to make adjustments, whether it’s the size, positioning, or even the contrast of the image. Sarah was excited but had a small change in mind.

“I love it,” she said. “But can you move the photo slightly to the left? I think it will balance better with the grain of the wood.”

We quickly made the adjustment, sent the updated mockup back, and waited for Sarah’s green light.

Perfecting the Details: The Final Approval

Once Sarah was happy with the mockup, she gave her approval, and we began the engraving process. We carefully prepped the wood, ensuring it was smooth and ready to capture every detail of the photo. Then, with precision and care, we transferred the image onto the wood, just as it appeared in the mockup.

The result? A stunning keepsake, exactly as Sarah had envisioned.

When Sarah received the final product, she couldn’t wait to gift it to her parents. “It’s perfect,” she said, with a sense of relief. “Thank you for capturing this moment so beautifully.”

Why Mockups Matter

Sarah’s story is one of many that show the importance of our mockup process. We understand that when it comes to personalized products, every detail matters. That’s why, before we ever start engraving or printing, we design a mockup for our customers to review. It gives you the chance to see exactly how the final product will look, so you can make any adjustments and feel confident that your vision will be brought to life.

Our goal at Ethiimo is simple: to make memories more memorable. And we believe that starting with a mockup is the best way to ensure the final product is just as meaningful as the story behind it.

So, whether you’re customizing a photo-engraved piece of wood or printing a design on a keepsake, know that we’ll be with you every step of the way—from the initial mockup to the moment your product is in your hands, ready to be cherished for years to come.

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